Monday, April 30, 2012


This time, I made a spider robot and composed with real video clip.

I followed Digital Tutors tutorial.

It is a little bit hard for me. but As hard as it is, I learned a lot of things :) Thanks DT.

I think it took 1 weeks to mimic this :)

First, I made spider robot geometry.

And I added shaders on surface of my robot.

It is seen like this in viewport.

Added indirect light and checked some values in materials.

And rendering.... It is render shot of spider.

It is really cool!!!! I think :)

This is final output.

Thank you for watching :)

After rendering my work I realize some motion of robot is a little bit awkward.

I think this work is good chance for me to know about composition.

I will make my own video with this skills.

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